opkg install tree

以前 DS115j には tree コマンドを入れていたが,DS116 はまだだったので…

Iwao@DS116:/tmp/http$ sudo -i

root@DS116:~# opkg install tree
-ash: opkg: command not found

root@DS116:~# cd /var/services/homes/Iwao/
root@DS116:/var/services/homes/Iwao# source ./set_ds_inc.sh
root@DS116:/var/services/homes/Iwao# opkg -v
opkg version 0.1.8
root@DS116:/var/services/homes/Iwao# opkg install tree
Installing tree (1.7.0-1) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv7/tree_1.7.0-1_armv7soft.ipk
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_pkg: Package tree md5sum mismatch. Either the opkg or the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package tree.
root@DS116:/var/services/homes/Iwao# opkg update
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv7/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /opt/var/opkg-lists/packages
root@DS116:/var/services/homes/Iwao# opkg install tree
Installing tree (1.7.0-1) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv7/tree_1.7.0-1_armv7soft.ipk
Configuring tree.
root@DS116:/var/services/homes/Iwao# tree
├── gcc_test
│   ├── 20170922.out
│   ├── a.out
│   ├── editad
│   ├── EditAd.cpp
│   ├── edit_ad.php
│   └── T_P_ini.cpp
├── set_ds_inc.sh
├── Temp
│   └── rc.local
└── www
    └── dmp_   .php

3 directories, 9 files
tree コマンド実行

Synology NAS tree

カテゴリー: Linux, Synology NAS, メモ パーマリンク


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